Say Hello to being a Phone Photo Pro!
Get access to your full professionally designed course specifically to take the guess work out of taking amazing photos with you smartphone.
- 8 modules
- work at your own pace
- designed by a professional photographer
- all the building blocks for taking a great photo
- lifetime access on any device
Hi, I’m Tanya Rex.
I'm a commercial photographer and mum of two. I'm lucky enough to be able make money from my passion for colour and light.
Since becoming a mum, I have loved being able to document my children's lives through a series of images that I am proud to show to others.
My wish is to share my knowledge in a simple, clear format so that no one is intimidated with big words and concepts, and everyone learns at their own pace.
I'm on this journey with you every step of the way so join me and let's grow together.
I hope to chat soon.
When you buy this course, you will automatically receive the ADDED BONUS of 3 photo stories that will help you plan your next shoot
Photo Story 1
My Little Angel
Photo Story 2
Morning In The Garden
Photo Story 3
Play Date At Home
Thanks to the Phone Photo Pro course, I never have to miss capturing a moment with my god daughters ever again
- JB